Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Assignment for Thursday, October 14

Continue to work on your parody ad. We will work on it in the beginning of class on Thursday, but be ready to have it (or them) printed out BY 2:00. We will have a critique on them at 2:00 THIS THURSDAY.

Also, read the article called "The Crucial Moment of Deception" and find 3 examples in art (specific works of art, artists, exhibitions etc) that employs Thayer's two theories on Protective Concealment and post them (descriptions or pictures) as comments on the blog.


  1. "Arearea (Joyousness)" by Paul Gauguin demonstrates Thayer's first theory of Protective Concealment. This is because the dog in the painting is an orange color, but the dog's nose, paws, and part of his neck are white. The sunlit parts of the dog are a darker color, but the shadowy parts are a lighter color. This can also be seen in M.C. Escher's "Sky and Water I". THe picture is in black and white, but the birds and fish become more detailed as you look up or down the painting (depending on whether you are looking at the birds or the fish). Thayer's second theory states that animal adapted there color so that they can't be seen in their surrounding. An example of this is in Jerry Young's photyograph of an Asian Leaf Frog. The frog is many varying shades of brown so that it can blend in with the leaves on the ground.

  2. http://www.roumazeilles.net/news/en/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/optical_illusion_18.jpg
    by Bev Doolittle



  3. http://very-bored.com/pics2/camouflaged-animals/camouflaged-animals-8.jpg


